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Cleaning the Floor

DCD Cleaning Services

Exceptional Service

We're based locally in Manchester, if you want a local company you can depend on for all your house cleaning needs DCD Cleaning Services has provided quality services to clients by providing them with the professional care they deserve. Get in touch today to learn about our Domestic, Commercial and Cleaning Services.

Cleaning Mirror

A Bit About Us

Since our founding, we’ve worked with numerous clients throughout the area. Great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals, which is why we put so much consideration into selecting only the best to join our team. We complete projects efficiently and on schedule, and go above and beyond to form lasting relationships with our clients. Our service is competitively priced and entirely bespoke, from contract work to daily, weekly or bi-weekly cleaning. We promise professional, reliable cleaning services using high-quality and safe products. Contact us today for a free quote regarding our contract cleaning services.


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